Interpreting Lymphatic Research to Inform Clinical Practice
A Pressing Matter: What is the Right Pressure in Lymphatic Massage?
Why Elastic Tape Is a Game Changer for Phase 2 Lymphoedema Management
MLD & the mechanics of skin-health
Lymphoscintigraphy guided MLD
From Manila to Perth and Back
Critical appraisal skills - the missing link for Therapists
Measuring clinically relevant outcomes
What is the best measure for lymphoedema?
How to write a case study and why we need them
LKN Foundation launches during #LymphoedemaAwarenessMonth
Viewing fad diets through a lymphatic lens, & why I dislike 'Keto'
Applied MLD, it's more than just lymphoedema
Another disappointing SR that fails to tell us anything new 😖
How do new discoveries in lymphology influence our clinical practice?
Lymphatic endothelial cells, so much more to know!
Its never too early to start MLD
Inflammation and fibrosis in lymphoedema. What's really going on and does MLD help?
Lymph Taping update - the debate on replacing #compression with #lymphtaping continues
Keeping up to date in the fast moving world of lymphatics
Almost all women treated for vulvar cancer will have symptoms of lymphoedema in the first 2 years