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Nov 9, 20246 min read
A Pressing Matter: What is the Right Pressure in Lymphatic Massage?
Misconceptions about the appropriate direction and pressure for lymphatic massage in lymphoedema abound, and a search of the world wide web

Aug 9, 20245 min read
The Crucial Role of Mechanical Forces in Wound Healing and Scar Minimisation
mitigating excess scar formation is of paramount importance in allied health care, and MLD and Elastic Taping are two of the most effective

Jul 12, 20246 min read
The complex interactions that control lymph flow, and how Dr Vodder's MLD exploits them
Lymphatic muscle cells are unique in the body, functioning like both smooth muscle and cardiac cells simultaneously.

May 17, 20233 min read
Revival of the World's Best Kept Beauty Secret
MLD helps to minimize bruising and hematoma formation and reduce pain and discomfort associated with plastic or cosmetic surgery. By quickly

Mar 10, 20233 min read
Frozen shoulder - pain free in two treatments with Applied MLD.
Dr Vodder’s MLD uses gentle, repetitive skin movements to bring about change in the connective tissue.
MLD stimulates the meissner’s corpus

Jan 8, 20235 min read
Critical appraisal skills - the missing link for Therapists
The demand for level 1 studies is largely driven by academic needs, rather than tangible, clinically relevant outcomes.

Nov 10, 20226 min read
Why MLD should be started as early as possible.
There's nothing quite so satisfying as reading a well written paper which summarises everything interesting that we know about the lymph...

Jun 8, 20222 min read
Stretching helps resolve acute inflammation and reduce pain.
Gentle stretching forces help resolve acute inflammation, and reduce pain and immune cell infiltrate. This has implications for those of us

Dec 2, 20213 min read
Applied MLD, it's more than just lymphoedema
Releasing a frozen shoulder makes it much easier to apply effective CDT in arm lymphoedema, and reducing piriformis pain will certainly help

Nov 11, 20214 min read
Another disappointing SR that fails to tell us anything new 😖
Systematic reviews are an academic exercise to ‘systemically review’ the existing literature on a particular research question. They are ...

Oct 17, 20215 min read
My 10 favourite facts about MLD
explain the scientific basis of the effects of MLD, the specific tissue or system effects achieved by individual techniques, and the expecte

Sep 12, 20214 min read
Does MLD make you sick?
A long time ago I made the mistake of watching some YouTube videos purporting to teach Dr Vodder's MLD. Some of them would have made great...

Aug 19, 20213 min read
How do new discoveries in lymphology influence our clinical practice?
Across two decades of teaching therapists how to interact with lymphatics through MLD and Lymph Taping, I have witnessed an explosion in...

Jul 21, 20214 min read
Lymphatic endothelial cells, so much more to know!
The study looked at how the lymphatic endothelia cells behave when there is tissue hypoxia, so there are three interesting things here. How

Oct 4, 20205 min read
Inflammation and fibrosis in lymphoedema. What's really going on and does MLD help?
While there are multiple studies showing that MLD & CDT reduce the symptoms of inflammation and can reverse some fibrotic changes, there is

Jul 15, 20203 min read
The lymphatic system does not 'de-toxify' your body
there is no such thing as a lymph gland, the parasympathetic nervous system can be directly simulated by MLD & MLD does not remove fat cells

Feb 9, 20204 min read
Body contours, swollen lymph nodes and dehydration, 3 facts about the lymph system you may not know.
What creates the fine contours of your body? Why do lymph nodes swell during infection? How does dehydration increase nocturnal micturition?

Sep 25, 20194 min read
Lymph Taping update - the debate on replacing #compression with #lymphtaping continues
Could the inclusion of waving equidistant tapes over a large area of unaffected skin account for the better results observed during taping?

Aug 20, 20196 min read
How can Vodder's MLD resolve trigger points without pain?
People are often surprised when I start talking about MLD to resolve trigger points, or treat conditions like adhesive capsulitis and CRPS
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