Interpreting Lymphatic Research to Inform Clinical Practice
A Pressing Matter: What is the Right Pressure in Lymphatic Massage?
The Unique Innervation of Facial Skin: Why MLD Facials are So Good.
The Crucial Role of Mechanical Forces in Wound Healing and Scar Minimisation
The complex interactions that control lymph flow, and how Dr Vodder's MLD exploits them
Revival of the World's Best Kept Beauty Secret
Frozen shoulder - pain free in two treatments with Applied MLD.
Critical appraisal skills - the missing link for Therapists
Why MLD should be started as early as possible.
Stretching helps resolve acute inflammation and reduce pain.
Applied MLD, it's more than just lymphoedema
Another disappointing SR that fails to tell us anything new 😖
My 10 favourite facts about MLD
Does MLD make you sick?
How do new discoveries in lymphology influence our clinical practice?
Lymphatic endothelial cells, so much more to know!
Inflammation and fibrosis in lymphoedema. What's really going on and does MLD help?
The Lymphatic System does not 'Detoxify' your Body
Body contours, swollen lymph nodes and dehydration, 3 facts about the lymph system you may not know.
Lymph Taping update - the debate on replacing #compression with #lymphtaping continues
How can Vodder's MLD resolve trigger points without pain?