Bespoke Workshops and Seminars
Need a one-day workshop for your workplace? A specialised webinar to target your members? Jan Douglass can design a program to suit your needs. Workshops, seminars and webinars are designed individually to meet the needs of the audience and can be from 1 hour to 2 days in length.
Past examples include
Webinars on research literacy for Massage and Myotherapy Australia
Lymphatic drainage of the lower limb for Reflexology Australia
Lymph taping in acute ankle injury for Australian Traditional Medicine Society
Seminars on chronic oedema management for the Australian Physiotherapy Association
One day workshop on managing chronic oedema for SA Dept of Health and Ageing
Lymphoedema risk reduction education for multiple interest groups, conferences and meetings
If you believe your organisation or group would benefit from a tailor made session on anything lymphatic, please email
Become a Moving Lymph Course Organiser
Moving Lymph Pty Ltd offers Certificate Courses in Dr Vodder's MLD and MTC Lymph Taping in Australia
and New Zealand.
Local Organisers secure a suitable venue, source massage tables and catering, and manage all other arrangements for the Practical Courses.
Currently, we are looking for new Local Organisers in Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney and all Regional Centres.
Please email email for more information.