Also interested in Lymph Taping for Axillary Web Syndrome.
Effect of Direct Myofascial Release and Kinesio Tape on Axillary Web Syndrome by Ibrahim et al 2018.
Patients who had myofascial release (MFR) and Lymph taping had better outcomes compared to Lymph taping alone and MFR alone.
Thanks Valerie, We teach a similar technique in the 2-day workshop.
Its good to have more peer reviewed research in this area supporting what we observe clinically. I do think they have overstated their findings a little as really there was only one significant between-group difference. All the within-group results were significant, so all 3 methods worked well. Only the level of tissue organisation was significantly different between-groups by the end of the study. Which is very interesting and means that the tape is creating faster tissue recovery. I think they had a lost opportunity in the discussion to highlight this and try to explain it in terms of the action of the tape.
For those of you not on Researchgate you can find the full text here